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ABout Kristen

Kristen Caldwell is a resident of Bigfork, Montana, and worked seasonally at the local Swan River Gardens for production and maintenance of flowers. Her recent background is in corporate event planning, which involved a great deal of creative responsibility, as well as design and arrangement of fresh floral containers. With her green thumb and creative nature, she always has her hands in the dirt, and loves putting together interesting garden spaces. 


My passions not only include gardening, but mountain biking, road riding, motocross, hiking, fishing, kayaking, camping, snowshoeing, snowboarding...the list goes on! I simply enjoy being outdoors on an adventure! My husband and I love Montana for all its outdoor offerings, and get to go on many adventures with our 14 year old golden retriever Scout.

About the Business

Kristen has always had a personal interest in creating beautiful, sustainable, annual and perennial spaces within the garden. Upon moving to the Flathead Valley and recognizing how short the floral season was, she realized there was a local need for an affordable weekly maintenance service to help businesses and individuals enjoy their baskets and containers all season long.

I LOVE small container gardening, largely due to the ease of maintenance! The floral season is short here in the Flathead Valley, and we all want our floral investments to thrive during the summer months and into the fall season!